Espresso Royale, LLC

Woodland Plaza

Espresso Royale at the Busch's market center where Main Street turns into Ann Arbor Saline Road opened in June of 2003. The store faces west and is adorned with light-woods with colorful inlays and Italian touches throughout.

It's a great, quiet place to come and study or read the paper. It's off campus so it's a very relaxed environment. It also has a parking lot so you don't need to pay for parking and there's always a spot. Specialties are the smoothies, pastries and soup. But with the fastest baristas in town the lines move fast.

2264 S. Main St.
Ann Arbor, Michigan 48103
6AM - 10PM, Mon.-Fri.
7AM - 10PM, Saturday
8AM - 10PM, Sunday
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