Our Story

The history of Espresso Royale dates back to the coffeehouses of North Beach, San Francisco and the early coffeehouses of Berkeley. The emphasis on great coffee and the ambiance of espresso bars in the early 80's was the catalyst for the style and traditions of Espresso Royale. The early influences go back to Café Roma, Caffe Trieste, and the "Med" on University Ave in Berkeley. The glassware, recipes, roasts, and café design all descend from those early days.
The name Espresso Royale came from the desire to include the main product in the name, and from a cool restaurant in Berkeley called Café Royale that housed a toaster museum.
The first Espresso Royale was opened in 1987 and more sprung up across the country in college towns such as Urbana, East Lansing, Minneapolis, Madison, Ann Arbor, and Athens.
The Espresso Royale house blend was formulated in 1987 and was designed for drinks such as cappuccinos and lattes with its full body, color, and flavor.
Espresso Royale has always been known for its friendly staff, unmatched drink quality and a service style that is casual and welcoming. That friendliness comes from a heartfelt philosophy. Not a company driven philosophy, but more a people driven philosophy. These days, customers are a part of designing cafes, products and new directions. "We don't tell people what they will like, we listen to them," says Marcus Goller, the company's founder. “Each Espresso Royale Café, as well as the drinks we serve, are a reflection of our customers."
The company has continued to evolve with new store designs, products and customer services. Today, Espresso Royale Café is developing cafes for more than just college students. “We are taking our cafes to a wider range of coffee drinkers by adding stores on main streets, tourist areas and shopping areas,” says Marcus. “We look for true public spaces and walking towns -- places that fit the friendly and welcoming atmosphere of each Espresso Royale Café.”